Holistic Highlights ~ Mind over Medicine

May 01, 2020 00:52:14

Show Notes

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How your mind affects your body healing. The body and the being are two separate things. Join us for this dynamic and open-ended conversation of how the mind can affect your well being on many different levels.

Other links you can use:

Dr. K's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dradrianak/ HHH Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HHHexpos/ HHH Website www.HolisticHealthandHealing.net Dr. K's website: http://ihmohio.com Hank's website: www.hanksetala.com Stir Crazy Shamans https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPVJKwTWPnP2Wd3fzchDlg?view_as=subscriber

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