Detoxing the body & being. Symptoms to look for, & how you can do to move into the wholeness of self

March 08, 2021 00:57:23

Show Notes

Especially over the winter, we may have the tendency to build up a higher level of toxins. Spring is a great time to choose a detox program and contribute to the body.

What if detox is not just for the physical body? What if a detox also needs to occur on the energetic level? What about the astral and mental level?

In this show, we talk about detoxing not just the body, but also the being. This episode mainly focuses on the physical though we do talk about detoxing the energy body as well as detoxing the environment. Dr. K goes over symptoms to look for that can result from toxin issues and we discuss things you can do to do self-care and self-healing to detox and move into the wholeness of self.

Catch the show live every Friday at 10:00 am EST. We love to interact with you and answer your questions. You can find all of our content and links to our podcasts on the Emergence of Being Website. 

Holistic Health and Healing is a show offering solutions for the body being and beyond
In each episode, we discuss topics that empower you to take a holistic approach to step into your unique voice in this world. Now here are your hosts Dr. K and Hank Setala the Sonic Shaman.

About your hosts
Dr. Krywiak is a foot and ankle specialist by training but following her passion to offer a Mind, Body, Spirit approach she went on to become certified in Functional Medicine as well as Energy Mastery from Energetic Solutions.

Hank Setala is lifelong intuitive refining his gifts at Lily Dale NY at the School of Healing and Prophecy offered by Fellowships of the Spirit. He is a Master Sound Healer, Aromatherpies and has apprenticed the Paqo Kuna tradition of Peruvian shamanism, and is endorsed to teach the tradition from his teacher don Zane Curfman author of Inka Mountain Magic.

Holistic Health and Healing, Dr. K, and Hank are part of the Emergence of Being contributor Network. Check out the website to see all the contributor offerings, other shows, services, and events.


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